Objectives of the Programme:
- ensure the application of human rights of persons over 55 years of age (right to adequate health care, adequate and acceptable accommodation, life without violence)
- encourage the provision of information in an acceptable and understandable manner adjusted to the needs of the target group
- reduce/abolish stereotyping and encourage the fight against ageism.
Programme RE-GENERATION (Revitalization of the quality of life of the elderly)
The three-year programme is implemented from June 2020 until the end of May 2022 with financial support from the Ministry of Labour, pension system, family and Social Policy.
The programme is implemented in cooperation with partners, the Home for the Elderly Peščenica and the Centre for Rehabilitation Komarevo.
Through various activities with the elderly, efforts are made to encourage and enable activities for active ageing, social inclusion and healthy lifestyles of the elderly through audiovisual media, lectures, youth socializing.
No to violence against the elderly project
The “No to violence against the elderly” project was implemented in 2020 with financial support from the Ministry of Demography, family, Youth and Social Policy.
Through the public campaign and the sharing and presentation of video animation within the framework of the project, we informed the public about the importance of recognizing, resolving and preventing violence against the elderly that is happening daily, but is not explored enough and remains a taboo-topic in the public.
Project Youth people for the old
The project was implemented at the end of 2019 with the financing of the City of Zagreb.
The basic activity of the project was the implementation of training for volunteers who acquired skills and familiarized themselves with the characteristics of work with the elderly and the powerless. Furthermore, volunteer monitoring system was established.
This has enabled the launch of a voluntary programme that will contribute to the reintegration of the elderly into the life of the community.