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The creative producer of the POP-UP entrepreneur project, Tomislav Goleš Babić, participated in the meeting of the semi-annual report on the progress of the implementation of the projects “Strengthening the business of social entrepreneurs – phase I” (UP. on July 13 and 14, 2021. in Hotel Zora, Primošten organized by the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society.

In Primošten, Tomislav shared the experience of the implemented activities and planning for the next period with other associations, project holders in this competition.

The POP-UP entrepreneur project is planned around one general goal: to prove that social entrepreneurship in Croatia is possible, economically profitable and at the same time socially beneficial. Therefore, CKD has chosen for its entrepreneurial activities an area in which it shows significant results – audiovisual (AV) production and planning and implementation of socially useful campaigns – to ensure that the economic effects are acceptable.

On the other hand, those that are socially useful, CKD introduces audiovisual production and public campaigns into the public sphere that focus on important social values ​​(prevention of discrimination, care for the environment, encouragement of social solidarity).

So far, as part of the project, we have employed two young and unemployed people, created a new – bilingual website of the Center for Cultural Activities and the visual identity of the project.

The project leader participated in a workshop and film festival in Italy, and a co-production contract was concluded with the production company 4 Film.

The Center for Cultural Activities has also chosen the production of documentary and feature films as a direction for the realization of socially entrepreneurial activities, and we continue to train the manager and creative producer in this area.

Watch a short presentation about the activities of the POP-UP entrepreneur project.